miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

vision care

UV protection:

By using screens or UV filters incorporated into optical lenses and sunglasses (size and appropriately). With UV filter 100% protection is achieved. It also helps using visor.

Everyone should use UV to external protection, winter or summer, is clear or cloudy, and from childhood: more years of exposure to UV light, more likely to develop some kind of damage either cutaneous and / or visual .

* If you use contact lenses, pay attention

The use of contact lenses is a risk factor for the eye. Conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers (some by as aggressive pathogens that can become very serious more frequent in users of contact lenses are, so it is very important to be extremely careful with cleaning and disinfecting them.

-Never forget:

1. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling.

2 .-- By removing, never wash with water: washing with a solution, preferably multipurpose and stored in the prewashed case and solution.

They are left in the solution overnight and in the morning is applied to the eye without rinsing with water. Never moisten them with saliva.

3. The case must be washed with the solution every day. The instillation solution in the case, do not touch the bottle.

4. Once opened the bottle of solution should not be used more than 45 days, but the expiration date is much later. Write down the date you open it. The kit should also be changed periodically.

5. Although not use the lens every day, you should wash it and change the solution of the case daily.

6. If only one enzyme once a week or every 2 Cleaning is more thorough cleaning, which helps to remove deposits that occur in the lens, and constitute a breeding ground, allowing bacteria that normally inhabit the eye, proliferate sprees can produce extremely severe infections .. in addition, a clean lens allows better oxygenation of the cornea, increasing comfort and clarity of vision.

7. Using them hopefully 10 hours, never more than 12 hours a day.

8. It should rest them at least one day a week.

9. For these 2 above, it is important to always have a conventional lens before purchasing contact. Moreover, in case of irritation, discharge or other discomfort, they should be removed, disinfected, and consult an ophthalmologist before reuse.

10. Never overdo the usage period corresponding to the type of contact lens you purchase. If they are disposable, the ideal is to daily use and monthly turnover (retire at night, and removed a month of use). If you plan to use only occasionally, it is better one day wear: used one day, and deleted. You avoid the issue of cleanliness. Prolonged lenses (day and night) use are not healthier for the eye: it is better that foreign body rest at night.

11. If you want new prescription, you should remain without wearing contact lenses at least 24 hrs. prior to the consultation; but you can whether to use conventional.


1. Lower the lights

Our screen is usually the center of attention, so adequate lighting is key. Not to force our view, or force the brightness of this screen, it is best to try to reduce the external lights. Always having at hand a suitable indirect lighting but, as happens when we go to the movies, the less external light have more we can concentrate our vision and less force.

2. Please adjust the screen brightness

This was one of the first things I learned when using any type of screen: Adjust the luz.Muchos smartphones and tablets are preset to lower the light automatically respect the environment, but others do not (or directly we change the function). Whether it's for one reason or another, it is best to properly adapt the light of any screen, ie, its brightness, porquesino our eyes and complain a lot.

3. Avoid or reduce the blue light

As I discussed, the type of light we use in our nightstand may be essential to avoid depression, since exposure to night light (and color of this light) is key to our body. Also, if we focus on the blue light, that color can affect our circadian rhythm. It is therefore important to avoid exposure to this color at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.

4. Follow the 20-20-20 rule

It sounds easy, but ultimately ends up being difficult or forgetful. This rule seems so simple is to look away from your screen every 20 minutes, it was an object that is 20 feet (about 7 meters) for 20 seconds. As you can see, it is an English rule, but can go very well to rest our eyes punished.

5. Get friendly work space

We usually have an excessive tendency to have our disordered and screens on desktops extrañísimos sites. It may seem silly, but having the computer screen to adequate sight height can do us a great favor to maintain proper vision, both in terms of position and taking advantage of the light in the room (artificial) or window (natural ).

6. Do not forget vitamin A

The essential to maintain an adequate view vitamin called vitamin A or retinol, crucial for carrying out the process of vision. Daily, we need to consume between 700 and 900 micrograms. Food where we can find are especially zanahoras hour and greens, all to keep in account also contain many kinds of vitamins ... Do not forget them!

7. Do not reach eyestrain

Our body is wise, and always ends up giving signals about our health or our feelings. In the case of vision, there are times that our overworked front of a screen leads to eyestrain, and we deliberately ignore.

If the point where we noticed tired or headache arrives, it's time to take a deserved rest. It is convenient blink about ten times to properly moisten our eyes and move sideways, to disconnect a little of what we are doing and take the time to adapt.

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